Manage Kubernetes Accounts in the Armory Scale Agent

Learn how to create, update, delete, and fetch accounts in the Armory Scale Agent for Spinnaker and Kubernetes.

Manage accounts overview

The Dynamic Accounts REST API provides endpoints to create, delete, get, migrate, and update Kubernetes accounts. You can’t access these endpoints through Gate. You should have kubectl access to your Spinnaker cluster and port-forward to be able to call the API.

kubectl port-forward deployment/spin-clouddriver 7002:7002 -n spinnaker

You can then access endpoints via http://localhost:7002.

See Migrate Clouddriver Kubernetes Accounts to the Armory Scale Agent for details on how to manually or automatically migrate accounts from Clouddriver to the Scale Agent using the Dynamic Accounts API.

Create accounts

Like migrating accounts, creating new accounts is a two-step process:

  1. POST new account data; this adds the new accounts in an INACTIVE state
  2. PATCH to change state to ACTIVE and begin using the account.

Provision accounts

Endpoint: POST<Account[]> /armory/accounts/dynamic

Request body:

{ "name": "<account-name>", "zoneId": "<zone-id>", "kubeconfigContents": "encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig-t!k:config!ns:spinnaker" }

Required fields:

  • name: the account name

and one of the following:

  • kubeconfigContents: encrypted contents of the kubeconfig file
  • kubeconfigFile: Path to the kubeconfig file if not using serviceAccount.
  • serviceAccount: true or false; if true, use the current service account to call to the current API server. In this mode, you don’t need to provide a kubeconfig file.

Optional fields:

  • zoneId: (Optional) the zoneId for the targeted Agent service, which is by default deploymentName_namespace. This can optionally be supplied during the activation step.
  • You can include any kubernetes.accounts[] attribute from the Scale Agent service config options list.


curl --request POST \ --url http://clouddriver:7002/armory/accounts \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '[ { "name": "account-01" }, { "name": "account-02", "zoneId": "agent-1_namespace1", "kubeconfigFile": "encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig!k:config!ns:spinnaker" } ]'


  • 202 Accepted: [] empty array
  • 409 Conflict: [] array containing already migrated accounts (still processes valid ones)
  • 400 Bad Request: in case the account array is empty
  • 501 Not Implemented: if the Dynamic Accounts feature isn’t enabled

Activate accounts

Endpoint: PATCH<Account[]> /armory/accounts/dynamic

Request body:

[ { "name": "<account-name>", "state": "<INACTIVE | FAILED>", "zoneId": "<zone-id>", "kubeconfigFile": "<encrypted-kubeconfig>" } ]

Required fields:

  • name: the account name
  • state: the account state; valid values are INACTIVE or FAILED.

and one of the following: kubeconfigContents, kubeconfigFile, or serviceAccount (whichever one you used in the POST request).

zoneId is optional if you included one in the provision step.


curl --request PATCH \ --url http://localhost:7002/armory/accounts \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '[ { "name": "account-01", "state": "ACTIVE" }, { "name": "account-02", "state": "ACTIVE", "zoneId": "agent-1_namespace1", "kubeconfigFile": "encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig!k:config!ns:spinnaker" } ]'


  • 202 Accepted
  • 501 Not Implemented: if the Dynamic Accounts feature isn’t enabled

Deactivate accounts

This action changes the state to INACTIVE and instructs the Scale Agent service to stop watching the account(s).

Endpoint: PATCH <Account[]> /armory/accounts

Request body:

[ { "name": "<account-name>", "state": "INACTIVE" }, { "name": "<account-name>", "state": "INACTIVE" } ]


curl --request PATCH \ --url http://localhost:7002/armory/accounts \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '[ { "name": "account-01", "state": "INACTIVE" }, { "name": "account-02", "state": "INACTIVE" } ]'


  • 202 Accepted - no body.
  • 501 Not Implemented: if the Dynamic Accounts feature isn’t enabled

Delete accounts

This action removes the account from the Scale Agent service that watches it. Then the plugin removes the account from the clouddriver.kubesvc_accounts table.

Account must be of type dynamic in clouddriver.kubesvc_accounts.

Endpoint: DELETE <string[]> /armory/accounts

Request body:



curl --request DELETE \ --url http://localhost:7002/armory/accounts \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '["account-01","account-02"]'


  • 202 Accepted - no body.
  • 501 Not Implemented: if the Dynamic Accounts feature isn’t enabled

Get an account

Use this to fetch the status and definition of an account.

Endpoint: GET /agents/kubernetes/accounts/{account-name}


curl --request GET \ --url http://localhost:7002/agents/kubernetes/accounts/account-01


  • 200 Accepted: {name:..., kubeconfigContents:..., ... } account object found or empty object if none.
  • 501 Not Implemented: if the Dynamic Accounts feature isn’t enabled

Example response:

{ "name":"my-account-1", "type":"kubernetes", "source":"clouddriver", "config":{ }, "zoneId":"agent-private-network-1", "agents":{ { "agentId":"agent-private-network-1-54865d798c-cpqgm", "caching":true }, { "agentId":"agent-private-network-1-54865d798c-tdfvw", "caching":false } }, "status": "ACTIVE", "lastAssignmentMsg": "successfully assigned to Agent agent-private-network-1-54865d798c-tdfvw for executing operations" }

Update a single account

Updating an account is similar to creating a new one. The API detects it by its name and performs the update. If the account is already ACTIVE, the plugin immediately propagates the changes to the corresponding Scale Agent services.

Endpoint: PUT /armory/accounts/dynamic

Request body:

{ "name": "<account-name>", "type": "kubernetes", "kubeconfigFile":"encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig-t!k:config!ns:spinnaker", "kubeconfigAgent":"encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig-agent!k:config!ns:spinnaker" }

Required fields:

  • name: the account name

Optional fields:

  • kubeconfigAgent: you only need to include this if the account is in an ACTIVE state and if the target Scale Agent service needs a different kubeconfig from the original one.
  • You can include any kubernetes.accounts[] attribute from the Scale Agent service config options list.


curl --request PUT \ --url http://localhost:7002/armory/accounts/dynamic \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "name": "demo-acc-02", "type": "kubernetes", "kubeconfigContents":"encryptedFile:k8s!n:kubeconfig-t!k:config!ns:spinnaker", "metrics": false, "kinds": [], "omitKinds": [], "onlyNamespacedResources": false, "namespaces": [ "dev", "spinnaker", "default" ] }'


  • 202 Accepted: [] empty array
  • 400 Bad Request: in case the request is empty or body is an array.
  • 501 Not Implemented: if the Dynamic Accounts feature isn’t enabled

What’s next

  1. Migrate Clouddriver Kubernetes Accounts to the Armory Scale Agent

Last modified March 3, 2023: (2d069084)