Task Type: deleteManifest

Policy controls whether or not a deleteManifest that is triggered from outside a spinnaker pipeline (e.g. from the ‘Clusters’ tab of an application) can run.
  • Path: tasks
  • Method: Post
  • Package: spinnaker.http.authz

Compatibility note

Starting in 2.26, the UI has been updated to more closely follow immutable infrastructure principles.

When you navigate to the Infrastructure tab in the UI for an application that has the Kubernetes provider configured, actions that change the Kubernetes infrastructure (such as Create or Delete), including Clusters, Load Balancers, and Firewalls, are no longer available.


Users do not see these actions in the UI by default. You must configure the UI to display them if you want your users to be able to perform them through the UI. To write policies that control which user roles can see the UI actions and be able to use them, you must enable the actions.


Whether or not these actions are available in the UI is controlled by the following property in settings-local.yml:

window.spinnakerSettings.kubernetesAdHocInfraWritesEnabled = <boolean>;

Note that disabling the UI does not completely prevent users from performing these actions. For that, you must create policies.

Set this property to true. Setting the value to false hides the buttons for all users regardless of whether you grant specific users access to the buttons through the Policy Engine.

Example Payload

Click to expand
{ "input": { "body": { "application": "hostname", "description": "Delete manifest", "job": [ { "account": "spinnaker", "cloudProvider": "kubernetes", "location": "staging", "manifestName": "deployment hostname", "options": { "gracePeriodSeconds": 5, "orphanDependants": false }, "reason": null, "type": "deleteManifest", "user": "myUserName" } ] }, "method": "POST", "path": [ "tasks" ], "user": { "isAdmin": false, "roles": [], "username": "myUserName" } } }

Example Policy

This example prevents users from deleting deployed manifests from production accounts on the ‘Clusters’ tab of the spinnaker UI.

package spinnaker.http.authz default message="" allow = message=="" isProductionAccount(account){ ["prodAccount1","prodAccount2"][_]==account } message = "Manifests cannot be deleted outside of a pipeline in production accounts"{ createsTaskOfType("deleteManifest") isProductionAccount(input.body.job[_].account) } createsTaskOfType(tasktype){ input.method="POST" input.path=["tasks"] input.body.job[_].type=tasktype }


input.body.applicationstringThe name of the application that deployed the manifest being deleted.
input.body.descriptionstringThe phrase “Delete Manifest”.
input.body.job[].accountstringThe spinnaker account that will delete the manifest.
input.body.job[].cloudProviderstringThe cloud provider running the manifest, typically “kubernetes”.
input.body.job[].locationstringThe namespace from which the manifest is deleted.
input.body.job[].manifestNamestringThe name of the manifest to delete.
input.body.job[].options.gracePeriodSecondsnumberHow many seconds the resource identified by the manifest is given to shut down gracefully before being forcefully terminated.
input.body.job[].options.orphanDependantsbooleanIf false dependant kubernetes resources will also be deleted, if true they are orphaned.
input.body.job[].userstringThe ID of the user who started the job. More information is available under the input.user fields.


This object provides information about the user performing the action. This can be used to restrict actions by role. See input.user for more information.

Last modified August 18, 2023: (02b163b7)