Use the GitHub Integration Plugin

Learn how to use the GitHub Integration Plugin to trigger Spinnaker pipelines from GitHub and also to trigger GitHub workflows from Spinnaker pipelines.

Before you begin

You should be familiar with GitHub workflows.

Trigger GitHub workflows from Spinnaker pipelines

Use the Github Integration Workflow Trigger Stage to trigger your GitHub workflow from your Spinnaker pipeline.

workflow_dispatch event

Configure the Github Integration Workflow Trigger Stage as in the following screenshot:

  • Github Account: (Required) Select the GitHub Account; this is one of the accounts you configured when you installed the plugin
  • Organization or User: (Required) The organization or username that should trigger the workflow
  • Project: (Required) Spinnaker project name
  • Workflow Name: (Required) The filename of your workflow
  • Git reference (branch or tag name): (Required) The branch or tag name that receives the workflow_dispatch event
  • Workflow Inputs: (Optional) Key/value pairs to pass to your GitHub workflow

repository_dispatch event

Configure the Github Integration Workflow Trigger Stage as in the following screenshot:

  • Github Account: (Required) Select the GitHub Account; this is one of the accounts you configured when you installed the plugin
  • Organization or User: (Required) The organization or username that should trigger the workflow
  • Project: (Required) Spinnaker project name
  • Event Type: (Required) The event type that should trigger the workflow
  • Client Payload Inputs: (Optional) Key/value pairs to pass to your GitHub workflow

Trigger Spinnaker pipelines from GitHub workflows

Workflow success trigger

To trigger a Spinnaker pipeline when a GitHub workflow finishes successfully, configure an automated trigger in your pipeline.

  • Type: (Required) Select GitHub Workflow Trigger
  • Github Account: (Required) Select the GitHub Account; this is one of the accounts you configured when you installed the plugin
  • Organization: (Required) Select the organization associated with the Github Account
  • Repository: (Required) Select the repository that contains the workflow
  • Workflow: (Required) Select the name of the workflow that Spinnaker should monitor
  • Branch: (Optional) If specified, only pushes to the branches that match this Java Regular Expression are triggered. Leave empty to trigger builds for every branch.

New deployment trigger

To trigger a Spinnaker pipeline when GitHub creates a new deployment, first create a deployment event webhook in GitHub. Armory strongly recommends you create a secret for the webhook.

Next, configure an automated trigger to process the deployment event from GitHub.

  • Type: (Required) Select GitHub Event Trigger
  • GitHub Account: (Required) Select the GitHub Account; this is one of the accounts you configured when you installed the plugin
  • Organization: (Required) Select the organization associated with the Github Account
  • Repository: (Required) Select the repository that contains the workflow
  • Secret: (Optional) Provide the name of the GitHub secret associated with the deployment workflow event webhook; the GitHub Integration Plugin does not process the request when the secrets do not match
  • Environment: (Optional) If specified, only deployment to the environment that matches this Java Regular Expression is triggered. Leave empty to trigger builds for every environment.

When the pipeline triggered by a deployment event finishes, Spinnaker automatically update the status of the GitHub deployment based on the pipeline’s outcome.

Fetch release information

You can use the GitHub Integration Releases Get Details stage to fetch the latest release information.

  • Github Account: (Required) Select the GitHub Account; this is one of the accounts you configured when you installed the plugin
  • Retrieve: (Required) Select Get Latest Release
  • Organization or User: (Required) The organization or username that should trigger the workflow
  • Project: (Required) Spinnaker project name

Fetch prerelease information

You can use the GitHub Integration Releases Get Details stage to fetch the latest prerelease information.

  • Github Account: (Required) Select the GitHub Account; this is one of the accounts you configured when you installed the plugin
  • Retrieve: (Required) Select Get Latest PreRelease
  • Organization or User: (Required) The organization or username that should trigger the workflow
  • Project: (Required) Spinnaker project name

Last modified November 9, 2023: (bd55be17)