GiHub Integration Plugin Release Notes
Github Integration Plugin for Spinnaker release notes.
v0.1.2 2023/11/01
- Added support for Manual (or Rerun) Execution of pipelines with trigger type GitHub Workflow Trigger.
- Modified GitHub Workflow Trigger & GitHub Event Trigger Types to be enabled independently in Deck configuration.
v0.1.1 2023/10/18
- Fixed bug where the Igor fastForward admin endpoint didnt include the
v0.1.0 2023/10/12
- Initial release
Known issues
Armory.Header plugin conflict
Armory Continuous Deployment: The GitHub Integration plugin conflicts with the Armory.Header plugin’s default version installed in Armory Continuous Deployment 2.30.x.
Fix: Update your GitHub Integration plugin config to include the Armory.Header plugin v0.2.0
Workflow Dispatch and Repository Dispatch run duration
The workflow run for the stages Workflow Dispatch and Repository Dispatch must have a minimum run duration of 30 seconds. If the duration is less than 30 seconds, both Spinnaker and Armory CDSH might fail to fetch the workflow details, causing the run to fail with a timeout error.
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Last modified November 9, 2023: (bd55be17)