Event Filter Plugin

The Event Filter Plugin for Spinnaker filters or trims events sent to external log aggregators by Echo.


What the Event Filter plugin does

The Event Filter plugin extends Echo and has the following features:

  1. Skip sending an event that Echo normally sends to external log aggregators
  2. Trim the event before sending it to the log aggregators

The trim and skip functionality uses JSON Path specification syntax.

The default action is to skip the event if the specified condition matches. To do a trim, you have to configure the trim action (action: TRIM).

Installing the plugin consists of the following:

  1. Decide what you want to filter or trim
  2. Install in your Spinnaker instance:

Compatiblity matrix

Spinnaker VersionEvent Filter Plugin Version

Before you begin

You should be familiar with the the Event types section of Spinnaker’s Notifications and Events Guide. That section shows you the structure of an example event and defines details.type, details.application, and content.execution.

Show an example event
{ "details": { "source": "orca", "type": "orca:task:complete", "created": "1422487582294", "organization": null, "project": null, "application": "asgard", "_content_id": null }, "content": { "standalone": true, "context": { "asgName": "asgard-staging-v048", "credentials": "test", "deploy.account.name": "test", "deploy.server.groups": {}, "kato.last.task.id": { "id": "19351" }, "kato.task.id": { "id": "19351" }, "kato.tasks": [ { "history": [ ], "id": "19351", "resultObjects": [] } ], "notification.type": "enableasg", "regions": ["us-west-1"], "targetop.asg.enableAsg.name": "asgard-staging-v048", "targetop.asg.enableAsg.regions": ["us-west-1"], "user": "clin@netflix.com", "zones": ["us-west-1a", "us-west-1c"] }, "execution": ... "executionId": "62ca5574-0629-419a-b9ac-fb873aa165b2", "taskName": "f92239a7-b57a-408d-9d72-3a77484e050b.enableAsg.monitorAsg.9568e7e5-3c37-4699-9e93-f62118adc7c6" } }

Decide what you want to filter

Before you install the plugin, you should decide what events you want to filter or trim. You configure these filters as part of the installation process.

Skip event

The default behavior is to skip sending any event that matches the configured path and pathValue.

For example, if you want to skip the event orca:pipeline:complete, you need to define the JSON path and the value for that path. In this configuration, when an event has a details.type field with the value orca:pipeline:complete, Echo does not send the event to the log aggregator.

event: filters: - path: details.type pathValue: orca:pipeline:complete

Trim event

When you define a path and add action: TRIM, the Event Filter plugin removes that entry from the event before sending the event to the log aggregator.

In this example, the plugin trims the context.execution entry from all events where the field is available. However, Echo still sends the event to the log aggregator.

event: filters: - path: content.execution action: TRIM

The trim feature supports advanced configuration with a predicate. In this example, the event filter plugin removes the content.execution field from the events that have the details.type equal to orca:pipeline:starting.

event: filters: - path: content.execution predicate: $.details[?(@.type=='orca:pipeline:starting')] action: TRIM

Install - Spinnaker Operator

Add a Kustomize patch with the following contents:

spec: spinnakerConfig: profiles: echo: spinnaker: extensibility: plugins: Armory.EventFilter: enabled: true version: <version> repositories: eventfilter: enabled: true url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armory-plugins/pluginRepository/master/repositories.json event: filters: - <your-filters>
  1. Replace <version> with the plugin version that’s compatible with your Spinnaker version.
  2. Add your list of filters.
  3. Add the patch to the patchesStrategicMerge section of your kustomization file.
  4. Apply your update.
Show an example with filters
spec: spinnakerConfig: profiles: echo: spinnaker: extensibility: plugins: Armory.EventFilter: enabled: true version: 0.0.2 repositories: eventfilter: enabled: true url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armory-plugins/pluginRepository/master/repositories.json event: filters: - path: details.type pathValue: manual - path: details.type pathValue: orca:pipeline:complete - path: content.standalone action: TRIM - path: content.execution predicate: $.details[?(@.type=='orca:pipeline:starting')] action: TRIM

Alternately, add the plugin configuration in the spec.spinnakerConfig.profiles.echo section of your spinnakerservice.yml and then apply your update.

Install - Halyard

The Event Filter Plugin extends Echo. You should create or update the extended service’s local profile in the same directory as the other Halyard configuration files. This is usually ~/.hal/default/profiles on the machine where Halyard is running.

Add the following to your echo-local.yml file:

spinnaker: extensibility: plugins: Armory.EventFilter: enabled: true version: <version> repositories: eventfilter: enabled: true url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armory-plugins/pluginRepository/master/repositories.json event: filters: <your-filters>
  1. Replace <version> with the plugin version that’s compatible with your Spinnaker version.
  2. Add your list of filters.
  3. hal deploy apply your update.
Show an example with filters
spinnaker: extensibility: plugins: Armory.EventFilter: enabled: true version: 0.0.2 repositories: eventfilter: enabled: true url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armory-plugins/pluginRepository/master/repositories.json event: filters: - path: details.type pathValue: manual - path: details.type pathValue: orca:pipeline:complete - path: content.standalone action: TRIM - path: content.execution predicate: $.details[?(@.type=='orca:pipeline:starting')] action: TRIM

Release notes

  • 0.0.2: 1.30 compatible version
  • 0.0.1: Initial release

Last modified August 17, 2023: (cb3ddf2a)