Use Canary Analysis with AWS CloudWatch

Learn how to configure and use AWS CloudWatch for canary analysis in Spinnaker.


Before you can start using canary deployments, you need to enable Kayenta, the SpinnakerTM service for canary deployments. For more information, see the Configure Automated Canary Deployments in Spinnaker guide.

CloudWatch configuration

To enable CloudWatch, update the AWS configuration entry in your kayenta-local.yml file. Make sure METRICS_STORE is listed under supportedTypes. Add the cloudwatch entry with enabled: true.

The example below uses S3 as the object store and CloudWatch as the metrics store.

    enabled: true
      - name: monitoring
        bucket: <your-s3-bucket>
        region: <your-region>
        # Kayenta can assume a role when connecting to Cloudwatch using the iamRole configs
        # iamRoleArn: <your-role-ARN> # For example arn:aws:iam::042225624470:role/theRole
        # iamRoleExternalId: Optional. For example 12345
        # iamRoleArnTarget: <your-role-ARN-target> # For example arn:aws:iam::042225624470:role/targetcloudwatchaccount
        # iamRoleExternalIdTarget: <your-ExternalID> # Optional. For example 84475
        rootFolder: kayenta
        roleName: default
          - OBJECT_STORE
          - METRICS_STORE
    enabled: true
    enabled: true

Canary configs

In the UI, you need to create a new canary config for the metrics you are interested in.

Add your Cloudwatch MetricStat JSON in the Template field.

    "Metric": {
        "Namespace": "kayenta",
        "MetricName": "integration.test.cpu.value",
        "Dimensions": [
                "Name": "scope",
                "Value": "myapp-prod-canary-2"
                "Name": "namespace",
                "Value": "prod-namespace-2"
    "Period": 300,
    "Stat": "Average",
    "Unit": "None"

Pipeline configs

In your canary stage, set up the canary config you just created. Then use the application values from CloudWatch to fill in the Baseline + Canary Pair and MetricScope fields.

Last modified October 17, 2023: (aa87b671)