Armory Continuous Deployment Compatibility Matrix

Information about support and compatibility for Armory Continuous Deployment as well as the products and platforms with which it integrates.

Compatibility matrix overview

This compatibility matrix details what is supported in the Armory Continuous Deployment 2.30.0 release. Compatibility is for all minor versions of a major release version. Note that although Spinnaker™ is part of Armory Continuous Deployment, what open source Spinnaker supports and what Armory Continuous Deployment supports is not a one-to-one relationship.

You can find the compatibility matrix for previous Armory Continuous Deployment releases in the docs version for the release you are using:

See System Requirements for Armory Continuous Deployment for information about the system requirements you need to install Armory Continuous Deployment.


Feature status describes what state the feature is in and where you should install it. For more information, see Release Definitions. You can also click on the feature status badge directly.

Generally available The feature as a whole is generally available. There may be newer extended functionality that is in a different state.

Beta The feature is in Early Access. For more information about using this feature, contact us.

Early Access The feature is in Early Access. For more information about using this feature, contact us.

Experiment The feature is an Experiment. For more information about using this feature, contact us.

Enterprise availability

OSS The feature or parts of it are available in open source Spinnaker (OSS).

Proprietary The feature or parts of it are available only as part of Armory Continuous Deployment for Spinnaker.1


All supported versions for the Armory Continuous Deployment version refers to the current minor release and the two previous minor releases. For example, if the current version is 2.21.x, all supported versions include 2.19.x, 2.20.x, and 2.21.x. For third-party software, “all supported versions” refers to actively maintained versions by the provider.

Armory Operator

Generally available OSS Proprietary

The Armory Operator and Spinnaker Operator provide you with the ability to install, update, and maintain your clusters via a Kubernetes operator.

FeatureVersionArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Install, update, and maintain Spinnaker clustersAll supported versionsAll supported versions
Automatically determine Deck/Gate URL configuration if Ingress objects are defined1.1.0 or later1.1.1 or laterIngress objects must be defined in the same namespace where Spinnaker lives.
Support definition of all Halyard configuration optionsAll supported versionsAll supported versions
In cluster mode, validate configuration before applyAll supported versionsAll supported versionsDoes not work when installed in “basic” mode. Does not guarantee a valid configuration, but does check for most common misconfigurations.

Note that newer versions of the Armory Operator drop support for older Kubernetes versions. The following table outlines the supported combinations of Kubernetes, the Operator, and Armory Continuous Deployment:

Kubernetes VersionArmory Operator VersionArmory CD Version
< 1.21<= 1.6.x<= 2.28.0
>= 1.21>= 1.7.xAll supported versions
Kubernetes VersionSpinnaker Operator VersionSpinnaker Version
< 1.21<= 1.2.5>= 1.27.3
>= 1.21>= 1.3.x>= 1.27.3

Consult the Manage Operator guide for how to upgrade your Operator version.

Application metrics for Canary Analysis

Generally available OSS Proprietary

Application metrics can be ingested by Kayenta to perform Canary Analysis or Automated Canary Analysis (ACA). For information about how to enable Canary Analysis, see Configure Automated Canary Deployments in Spinnaker.

The following table lists supported app metric providers:

ProviderVersionACAArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNote
AWS CloudwatchAll supported versionsYes2.23.1 or later
DatadogAll supported versionsYes2.26.0 or laterBeta
DynatraceAll supported versionsYes2.23.0 or later
GraphiteAll supported versionsYesAll supported versions
New RelicAll supported versionsYesAll supported versions
PrometheusAll supported versionsYesAll supported versionsAuthentication using a bearer token is supported. Armory supports offerings that are proprietary versions of Prometheus, such as Cortex, to the extent that the offering overlaps with open source Prometheus. That is, Armory guarantees functionality that is compatible with open source Prometheus. Compatibility between open source Prometheus and the proprietary version is the responsibility of that vendor, not Armory.
SignalFxAll supported versionsYesAll supported versions
StackdriverAll supported versionsYesAll supported versions


Artifacts are deployable resources.

Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported artifact stores:

ProviderArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
BitbucketAll supported versions
Container registriesAll supported versionsDocker Hub, ECR, and GCR
GitHubAll supported versions
Git RepoAll supported versionsGitHub or Bitbucket. Supports using the entire repo as an artifact.
Google Cloud StorageAll supported versions
HTTPAll supported versions
MavenAll supported versions
S3All supported versions

As code solutions


Generally available Proprietary

Armory’s Pipelines-as-Code feature provides a way to specify pipeline definitions in source code repos such as GitHub and BitBucket.

The Pipelines-as-Code has two components: 1) a Spinnaker plugin; and 2) a service called Dinghy, which keeps the Spinnaker pipeline in sync with what you define in a dinghyfile in your repo. You can also make a pipeline by composing other pipelines, stages, or tasks and templating certain values.

GitHub is in the process of replacing master as the name of the default base branch. Newly created repos use main. As this transition happens, confirm what branch your repo is using as its base branch and explicitly refer to that branch when configuring Armory features such as Pipelines-as-Code. For more information, see GitHub’s Renaming information.

Version control systems
FeatureVersionArmory CD VersionSpinnaker VersionNotes
BitBucket CloudAll supported versions1.26+
BitBucket Server4.x - 6.xAll supported versions1.26+BitBucket Server 7.x is not officially supported due to changes in webhook handling and may not behave as expected.
GitHubAll supported versions1.26+Hosted or cloud
GitLabAll supported versions1.26+Hosted or cloud
FeatureArmory CD VersionSpinnaker VersionNotes
Fiat service account integrationAll supported versions1.26+
GitHub status notificationsAll supported versions1.26+
Local modules for developmentAll supported versions1.26+
ModulesAll supported versions 1.26+Templatize and reuse pipeline snippets across applications and teams
Pull Request Validation2.21 or later1.26+
Slack notificationsAll supported versions1.26+
Webhook secret validationAll supported versions1.26+
Permissions validation on commit2.30 or later1.30+

Templating languages

To create a dinghyfile, you can use one of the following templating languages:

  • HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)
  • JSON
  • YAML


The ARM CLI is a tool to render dinghyfiles and modules. Use it to help develop and validate your pipelines locally.

You can find the latest version on Docker Hub.

Terraform Integration

Generally available Proprietary

Use Terraform within your pipelines to create your infrastructure as part of your software delivery pipeline. Terraform Integration is a feature in Armory CD and a plugin for Spinnaker. For more information see the Terrafrom Integration docs.

Supported Terraform versions

Not all patch versions are included for each release. Although other Terraform versions may be usable with Spinnaker/Armory CD and Terraform Integration, Armory only supports the versions listed here.

Terraform VersionsArmory CD VersionSpinnaker VersionNotes
0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.32.301.30
0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15, 1.0, 1.1, 0.12 was not available in 2.28 but is supported as of release 2.28.1.
0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15, 1.0, 1.1,
0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15,


The following table lists the Terraform Integration features and their supported versions:

FeatureArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Base Terraform IntegrationAll supported versions
Named Profiles with authorizationAll supported versions

Support is limited to configuring Terraform Integration and using the stage within Armory Continuous Deployment. Armory’s Customer Care team does not troubleshoot Terraform script issues or infrastructure creation using Terraform. If you have questions, contact your assigned Technical Account Manager and/or Account Executive. Alternatively, you can reach our Customer Care team by visiting the Armory Support Portal to submit a case.


Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported authentication protocols:

Identity providerArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNote
NoneAll supported versionsArmory recommends having Armory Continuous Deployment only accessible through a VPN if this is turned on.
SAMLAll supported versions
OAuth 2.0/OIDCAll supported versionsYou can use any OAuth 2.0 provider such as Auth0, Azure, GitHub, Google, Okta, OneLogin, or Oracle Cloud.
LDAP/Active DirectoryAll supported versions
x509All supported versions


Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported authorization methods:

ProviderArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNote
NoneAll supported versionsArmory recommends having Armory Continuous Deployment only accessible through a VPN if this is turned on.
GitHub TeamsAll supported versionsRoles from GitHub are mapped to the Teams under a specific GitHub organization.
Google GroupsAll supported versions
LDAP/Active DirectoryAll supported versions
OAuth 2.0/OIDCAll supported versionsRequires the provider to include groups in claims or be a supported third party integration.
SAMLAll supported versions

Baking machine images

Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported image bakeries:

ProviderArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
AWSAll supported versions
GCEAll supported versions
PackerAll supported versionsThe following lists the included Packer versions:
  • Armory 2.23.x through 2.28.x include Packer 1.6.4
  • Armory 2.30.x and later include Packer 1.8.1

Baking Kubernetes manifests

Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported manifest templating engines:

ProviderArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Helm 2All supported versions
Helm 32.19.x or later
KustomizeAll supported versionsKustomize version installed is 3.8.6
Kustomize42.30.x or laterKustomize version installed is 4.5.5

Build systems

Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported CI systems:

ProviderVersionArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNote
GitHub Actionsn/aAll supported versionsWebhook integration
JenkinsAll supported versionsAll supported versions

Custom stages


Armory Continuous Deployment includes custom stages that you can use to extend the capabilities of Armory Continuous Deployment. Some of these stages are available out of the box while others are available as plugins to Armory Continuous Deployment.

StageArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Evaluate Artifacts2.24.0 and laterGenerally available Available as a plugin

Deployment targets

Generally available OSS Proprietary

Armory Continuous Deployment supports various deployment targets.

Here’s a great chart by Google to help you understand how the different deployment targets are categorized.

Compute as a Service

ProviderDeployment strategiesArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Amazon AWS EC2
  • None (always adds a new one)
  • Highlander
  • Red/Back aka Blue/Green
  • Custom (run a custom pipeline)
  • Rolling Blue/Green
All supported versionsAWS Public Cloud only. Armory does not support GovCloud.

Container as a Service Platforms

These are manifest-based providers. Armory Continuous Deployment applies the manifest and leaves the rollout logic to the platform itself.

ProviderVersionArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Kubernetes1.23 or laterAll supported versions
Amazon AWS EKSAll versionsAll supported versions
Google GKEAll versionsAll supported versions
ProviderDeployment strategiesArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Amazon AWS ECS
  • Red/Black aka Blue/Green
All supported versionsAWS Public Cloud only. Armory does not support GovCloud.

Platform as a Service

ProviderVersionDeployment strategiesArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Google Cloud App Engine
  • Custom
All supported versions
Cloud FoundryCC API Version: 2.103.0+ and 3.38.0+
  • None (always adds a new one)
  • Highlander
  • Red/Back aka Blue/Green
  • Rolling Red/Black
  • Custom (run a custom pipeline)
All supported versionsSupport for the Cloud Foundry provider is based on your license agreement with Armory. If you have questions, contact your assigned Technical Account Manager and/or Account Executive. Alternatively, you can reach our Customer Care team at or visit the Help Center to submit a case.


You write the function and use Armory Continuous Deployment to manage the rollout of iterative versions. These are usually hosted by Cloud Providers.

ProviderDeployment strategiesArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
Amazon AWS Lambda
  • Red/Black aka Blue Green
  • Highlander
  • Custom (run a custom pipeline)
All supported versionsAWS Public Cloud only. Armory does not support GovCloud.

Dynamic accounts

Generally available OSS

Dynamic accounts (external account configurations) allow you to manage account configuration outside of Spinnaker, including secrets.

Note that Armory Continuous Deployment does not support using dynamic account configuration with Spring Cloud Config Server.

Backend provider

The following table lists the supported backends:

ProviderVersionArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
GitAll supported versionsAll supported versions
S3n/aAll supported versions
VaultAll supported versionsAll supported versions

Supported Spinnaker services

The following table lists the services that support dynamic accounts:

ServiceAccount typesNote
ClouddriverCloud provider, artifactAutomatic configuration refreshing is supported for Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes cloud provider accounts only.
IgorCI systems, version control


Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported notification systems:

ProviderArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
EmailAll supported versions
GitHubAll supported versions
MS Teams2.23.2 or later
SlackAll supported versions
PagerDutyAll supported versions


Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported observability providers:

ProviderVersionArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNote
New RelicAll supported versionsAll supported versions
PrometheusAll supported versionsAll supported versionsUse Grafana for dashboards. Armory supports offerings that are proprietary versions of Prometheus, such as Cortex, to the extent that the offering overlaps with open source Prometheus. That is, Armory guarantees functionality that is compatible with open source Prometheus. Compatibility between open source Prometheus and the proprietary version is the responsibility of that vendor, not Armory.
DatadogAll supported versionsAll supported versions

Pipeline triggers

Generally available OSS

The following table lists the supported pipeline triggers:

ProviderArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
AWS Pub/SubAll supported versions
CronAll supported versions
DockerAll supported versionsDocker Registry API v2 required
GitAll supported versions
GitHub WebhookAll supported versions
Google Pub/SubAll supported versions
Jenkins JobAll supported versions
ManualAll supported versions
WebhookAll supported versions

Secret stores

Generally available OSS Proprietary

The following table lists the supported secret stores for referencing secrets in config files securely:

ProviderArmory Continuous Deployment VersionNotes
AWS Secrets ManagerAll supported versions
Encrypted GCS BucketAll supported versions
Encrypted S3 BucketAll supported versions
Kubernetes secretsAll supported versionsArmory Operator based deployments
VaultAll supported versionsProprietary feature

  1. Some of Armory Continuous Deployment’s features are proprietary and require a license for use. For more information, see the Terms of Service and Terms & Conditions↩︎

Last modified December 5, 2023: (91dd0ac1)